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Fish tacos, goulash, soup and more. You can find all of our family favorite recipes here!



Detox water to matcha lattes, homemade almond milk to vegan hot chocolate … and don’t forget all the delicious in between drinks and happy hour bliss. You’ll find everything here!…



Coming Soon!

Layla’s Story

UPDATE - 12/31/2015 Layla went to Rainbow Bridge on Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 8:30 am. It takes every ounce of strength I have left to move forward. I can't talk about her, think about her, write about her or look at pictures of her without completely breaking down. I lost my best friend, companion, confidant that day. My heart is completely shattered. They say time heals all wounds, but this wound cut so deep - I am not sure it will ever heal. September 19, 2015 My furkid Layla and her story ... Hello, my name is Layla puppy. I am a 12 year old stubborn, food motivated German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix who loves naps, car rides, walks, rolling around in the grass, smelling flowers, DIGGING, playing "I'm going to get you" (that one is for you Momma) and making snow puppies. I was diagnosed with tcc (transitional cell carcinoma) in January 2015 but am well on my way to kicking cancer's butt! By the way, we write tcc in lower case because we don't exaggerate cancer - we down play it because GOD is bigger! #LaylaRules #CancerDrools #Woof! The picture of me was taken on Valentine's Day 2015 - I'm pretty adorable ... at least that is what my Momma says.

Borax Free Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent

I despise doing the laundry. It is that ONE chore I would hire out (if I could afford it). Endless baskets of laundry taunt me ... ha, ha, you can't have a life on the weekend because there are 6-7 baskets of laundry to sort, wash, dry/hang, put away ... AHHHHH - I don't even like writing about it! Insert sip of wine here and continue ...

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent & Rinse Aid

SAVE YOURSELF from those powder/gel chemical pods and liquids used to clean your dishes! We wouldn't think to pop one of those pods in our mouth or drink that thick ugly yellow liquid, but we'll wash our dishes with it?! While we're at it ... why not add a chemical rinse agent to the dishwasher so the last thing that touches our dishes is harmful to our health! Full disclosure here ... I was MORE than skeptical to try a homemade dishwasher detergent. Really, how good could it be? The answer to that?  AMAZINGLY AWESOME! *VERY IMPORTANT NOTE* DO NOT fill the entire liquid detergent compartment in your dishwasher with this solution - you only need to use 1 TBSP. If you use more, you could have a bubbly mess everywhere ... just sayin.

Easy Peasy Goulash

I loved Goulash as a kid. As an adult, I could never find a recipe that quite tasted like the one my mom always made so I set out on an adventure to create my own. Total success, it tastes just like the one my mom made when I was a kid - delicious!  Enjoy!

Happy Superhero’s (Mother’s) Day!

Happy Mother's day to all the wonderful Moms out there! Moms are special - selfless, loving and hardworking. They give without expecting anything in return, love the unlovable or as I call them, teenagers! Ever remember hearing the phrase, "I will always love you, I just don't like you right now" as a kid? They make everything better ... no matter how old you are, you still want your Mom when you're sick, sad, happy, mad and the list goes on ...